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Training Application Process

Step 1: Complete the application

Prepare for writing your application for IPSA Training by reading about the application process below. You may pause and restart the online application as needed. You also have the option of writing your essays offline then copying and pasting, or uploading your documents into your online application in the sections provided. You may also pay the $30.00 non-refundable application fee through the online Training Application form.


Five-part Training Application 

  1. Cover Page

  2. Training Application Questionnaire

  3. Letter of interest and intent: Answer all of the following questions: Why do you want to take the IPSA training?  What qualities do you possess that you believe will make you a good surrogate partner? What educational and work experiences have contributed to relevant knowledge and skills that you expect to use as a surrogate partner. With which types of clients are you most interested in working?  When are you available for training?

  4. Two letters of recommendation: Upload or mail to IPSA, two original letters of recommendation from professionals who know you and with whom you have discussed your interest in taking the IPSA training. These can be letters of recommendation from physicians, psychotherapists, teachers, etc.

  5. Personal Evolution Essay: A description of your personal growth/evolution in the areas of sexuality and relationships that answers the following questions:

  • What was the constellation and value system of your family of origin?

  • What happened in your early years?

  • Which life experiences shaped you? changed you? and informed you about yourself?

  • How did your relationships begin and end?

  • With whom do you currently choose to partner, what does intimacy mean to you, and how do you currently experience physical and emotional intimacy?

We understand that we are asking for very personal information. The training committee wishes to assure applicants that personal information is handled respectfully and confidentially.


Please contact the IPSA Training Coordinator if you have questions about IPSA training.


Step 2: Interview 

After all of the components of your application have been received (including your application fee), the IPSA Training Coordinator will contact you to set up an interview, during which you will be able to ask and answer questions. The training advisory committee will then make a determination regarding your acceptance into the professional training program.


Step 3

If/when you are accepted into the training program you will be placed on an Accepted Applicants list and encouraged to routinely submit detailed information about your availability. IPSA runs small classes and makes a concerted effort to incorporate the availability and travel considerations of Accepted Applicants. You will remain an Accepted Applicant and will be contacted whenever IPSA is scheduling classes, until such time as you participate in a class or request to be placed in Inactive Status. It is your responsibility to keep IPSA informed of any and all changes to your contact information.


Tuition Payment Schedule


Following notification of acceptance into the training program, payment for half the tuition is

required. The balance of the tuition is due once your training dates are scheduled. This is required in order to guarantee that you and the other trainees are not disappointed or inconvenienced by last-minute withdrawals or no-shows by other class members. You may make your payments online in our store or ask your training coordinator for other options.


Online Training Application Form


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